Saturday, December 5, 2009

Journey On ...

A bit of a preamble before I continue ...

I heard once that to truly give a meaningful hug, it would take a full 6 second embrace. 6 seconds is a really long time if you actually count it out. But when a hug is given from the heart, and once you get past your own "space" issues, those hugs feel so damn fine and are good for the soul.

To think that so many of you actually took the time out of your day to read my stuff and then make more time to offer such positive and encouraging feedback, is humbling. I am in awe. From Deep in my heart ... I thank you ... A full 6 seconds worth. xox


You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too, yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.

~The Beatles~

Today arrived with a dusting of snow and crisp cool Canadian air. What a perfect gift.

Yes. It's here. Another Birthday. Another year older. Another day to "assess my sitch" by going over the past year in my head and asking myself do I like who I am, where I am, what I am doing and know where it is I want to go from here.

I think first of all, I'm officially going to start counting my birthday years backwards. Not in the Benjamin Buttons kind of way, just in numbers. By my calculations, the Sis and I will then hit the same age in 4 years, which is so very cool because we are planning to celebrate our milestone by traveling Europe for about a month. "The Big 4-0" together. Woot! Woot! And by further calculating my age regression should put me about infant to toddler age, back in diapers with just a few teeth, relatively about the same time I would be more than likely be in diapers and toothless anyway. So really...what's the big deal?

Well, my day began with the Brother calling me up to wish me a Happy Birthday. Well I think that was his intention anyway but not sure if those words actually came out of his mouth. Our conversation went pretty much like this:

Me: "Hello"
Bro: "Hey what's shakin'?"
Me: "My left and my right".
Bro: "Up and down or side to side?"
Me: "Well once they get started they kinda go in a figure eight".
More laughter

Sounds pretty normal for my family. Don't all siblings discuss boobs as part of routine shootin' of the shit?

So speaking of boobs. Do any of you remember the pencil thing? You place the No.2 pencil under your boob and if it fell then you had perfect perky TaTa's but if it remained stuck under the over, then Valley Girl "Oh ma Gawd" you were getting so sa-a-gy! I'm sure this really isn't the picture you want of me, but hey, between you and I, I'm about a 64 pack of Laurentian pencil crayons with room for a few Crayola crayons to boot- the big thick kid size ones. And don't you dare get me started on my ass LOL ... Is this what they are calling "Aging Gracefully"? I wonder if Isaac Newton had never sat under that apple tree and got bonked on the head, making him ponder why that apple was attracted to the ground in the first place, would gravity have ever been discovered? Why couldn't he have just said "Hey, Thanks tree!" and ate the damn apple and be done with it? This thought just makes me want to clench my fist and hold it near my chin while making that little rabbit teeth face and say ... Newton!! just like Jerry Seinfeld did when the character Newman did something sneaky.

But seriously. I love the age I am, the experiences that I have had, and the lessons I have been taught and actually managed to learn (although sometimes needing remedial classes). It's like I finally get it. And that my friends Rocks! The most freeing thing I have come to realize, is the Universe unfolds as it should and no matter how hard I can try, I cannot control it. By surrendering, embracing and changing my brain, I am my own "happy place".

And on the days that I just can't buy into my own crap? ... Well hey ... that's what red wine is for! Preferably Shiraz ... Lindemans' Bin 50. LOL

And to get back to the beginning of this blog and answer my own questions...yes, yes, yes and wherever I am, whatever I am doing, is the path I am meant to take.

I welcome my next year, come what may.

Journey On...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry I missed your birthday on FB...very cool insights, Wendy. And a full six second hug to you! ~Michelle
